Healthy Chelsea

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7 Reasons You’re Tired and How to Boost Your Energy

Do you constantly feel tired?

Like you hit a wall at 3 or 4 PM?

Do wish you had more energy throughout the day?

And wish you felt better overall?

Today, we’re unpacking seven reasons you’re battling fatigue and the solutions to have more energy!

Reason #1 You’re not balancing your blood sugar

We dive into balanced blood sugar in my recent article, Why the “Calories In, Calories Out” Model is Irrelevant and What to Do Instead, so be sure to read to see why balanced blood sugar is key to your weight, mood, and overall health.

Perhaps you’re:

  • Eating too many refine carbs

  • Craving sugary snacks

  • Restricting your calories

  • Going way too long without eating

Any of those choices can cause blood sugar spikes and crashes, which can lead to a host of unintended consequences.

Solution #1 Choose a balanced snack

One of the best ways to optimize your blood sugar is to zero in on your snacking- WHEN you’re eating and WHAT you’re eating.

I did a Facebook Live video to guide you to create delicious, balanced snacks for more energy!

You can watch the tutorial HERE>>

You can also download your FREE guide, The Busy Person’s Ultimate Guide to Quick and Easy Meals & Snacks.

You’ll get 21 simple, quick and easy meals and snacks that you can make in 15 minutes or less using only a handful of ingredients from 10 pantry staples- and they’re all designed to help you optimize your blood sugar for optimal energy.

Reason #2 You’re not having a breakfast that fuels your day

You know what they say:

“Win the morning, win the day.”

But you might be skipping breakfast…

  • You’re rushing out the door

  • You’re not hungry in the morning

  • You’re trying to lose weight and decide to skip the calories of breakfast

  • You’re not a “breakfast person”

  • You think eating breakfast will make you hungrier throughout the day

Here’s why you might want to think again:

In a recent study published in the journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers studied over 200,000 adults and compared the impact of skipping breakfast vs. eating breakfast.

Those who skipped breakfast were 22% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and had a 25% higher risk of all-cause mortality.


There’s a laundry list of research that also points to why you should be eating breakfast…You can read all about the benefits of breakfast to your metabolism, cravings, and more HERE>>

When you skip breakfast, you’re simply starting your day at an energy deficit.

Solution #2 Have an energy-boosting breakfast

To have more energy throughout the morning, and set yourself up for great energy throughout the day, have an energy-boosting breakfast.

What does an energy-boosting breakfast look like?

It contains a balance of lean protein, healthy fats, and fiber-rich starches.

For example, grab your favorite Lara bar with a plain Greek yogurt and a side of your favorite berries.

Or download The Busy Person’s Ultimate Guide to Quick and Easy Meals & Snacks for several more energy-boosting, balanced breakfast ideas that you can make in only a few minutes!

I also share with you my “Top 10 Health-Boosting Breakfasts that Won’t Cost You Time” in this article HERE>>

Reason #3: You’re going too long without eating

Your body and brain need a steady supply of nutrients to perform it’s best.

When you go too long without eating (4, 5, 6 hours…), your blood sugar crashes.

Meaning your energy levels take a big hit.

Solution #3 Fuel your body and brain at steady intervals

Boost your energy simply by eating smaller meals and snacks at steady intervals throughout the day.

This will help you stabilize your blood sugar and give your body and brain the fuel it needs to feel energized and productive.

Reason #4 You have a sedentary job

You might be tired because your body is not getting the movement and flow of blood and oxygen it needs to feel energized.

Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee, consider movement instead.

Movement actually boosts your energy levels and reduces fatigue.

You might be thinking that movement and exercise is the LAST thing you want to do when you feel low on energy.

But you don’t have to change into gym clothes and hit the weights hard…

Solution #4 Move gently and every hour

All you have to do is gentle stretching, a 5-minute walk in the fresh air, or a jaunt up the stairs and back.

This type of movement every hour will clear the cobwebs and give you the quick energy boost you need!

That’s because exercise helps your brain release neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine) which boost both your energy and your mood.

Reason #5 You’re not eating enough

You might be tracking food as calories or macronutrients.

The problem with counting and tracking calories and macros is that you lose your ability to tune into your body’s hunger and fullness signals.

How do you know when you’re hungry?

Do you start to eat when you’re politely hungry or when you’re absolutely ravenous?

A great clue that you’re not eating enough during the day (and are therefore experiencing low energy and battling fatigue) is that you’re ravenous by dinner time.

You might have gotten really good at ignoring your hunger cues as you plow through a busy day…

But ignoring your hunger has many unfortunate consequences (we’ll save those for another article), one of which is low energy levels.

Solution #5 Feed the brain!

My mom always said this to me growing up and throughout college (and well, still to this day), “Feed the brain!”

Your brain relies on glucose to function properly. And your body also wants to work at a certain blood sugar level

But when your brain doesn’t have the energy it needs, and your blood sugar crashes, you’re tired.

So to stop feeling tired all the time and have more energy, fuel up with a balanced meals and snacks at steady intervals (see Solutions #1, 2 and 3 above).

Reason #6 You’re not hydrating enough

Feeling fatigued and low energy can often mean you’re dehydrated.

Therefore, the solution is simple…

Solution #6 Hydrate throughout the day

Hydration energizes your muscles, which then provides you with the energy boost you need.

In order for your cells to process food and then make energy for you to use, they require adequate hydration.

But how much water do you need?

The amount of water you need will vary depending on your size, sex, exercise level, outside temperature, if you’re under the weather or not, and if you’re pregnant or nursing.

A good rule of thumb is to drink half of your body weight (lbs). in ounces of water.

For example, if you weigh 150 lbs., you would aim to drink 75 ounces of water per day.

There are 8 ounces in a cup, so you would aim to drink about 10 cups of water (trust me on the math 😉)

A good way to get a headstart on your hydration for the day and boost your energy levels?

Drink 2 cups of water when you wake up, and another 2-3 before lunch.

Then you’re almost halfway to your hydration goal for the day by lunchtime…and probably having more energy!

Reason #7 You’re stressed

Stress is exhausting and draining.

Managing your stress will therefore help you feel better overall, and certainly less fatigued and worn out.

Solution #7 Meditate

Meditating for even 2 minutes per day can help you feel less stressed.

And less stress means improved energy levels.

Or take a stroll outside for 5 minutes (see Reason #4 above), and then come back inside and set a timer to do deep breathing for 2 minutes.

You’ll quick feeling better and more energized

What reason or reasons do you think you’re tired? What one solution are you going to work on immediately?