nutritionist Chelsea

Hi, I’m Chelsea!

Most people struggle with eating healthy consistently. I have a process that helps people optimize their nutrition so they can reach their fullest potential.

Want my proven strategies to save enormous amounts of time and eat healthy consistently?

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21 Simple, Quick, & Easy Meals

The Mindset Shift You MUST Make to See Results

The Mindset Shift You MUST Make to See Results

January is a time in my business when I get a lot of clients who want to lose weight and get healthy.

It’s the season of resolutions and people wanting to focus more and more on their health, weight, energy, and how they feel.

But more often than not, my clients become very uncomfortable when they make changes to their diet and they don’t see BIG and QUICK results.

They feel disappointed or frustrated, they think they’re not doing something well enough, or they feel guilty or panicked because they they don’t see the scale move.

Maybe you’ve felt like this before.

You don’t see progress, whether that’s on the scale or how your clothes fit or when you look in the mirror.

You put so much effort into healthy eating, and then feel so defeated when you don’t see results.

And you start to believe that all that energy and effort you put in is wasted.

We can be so incredibly hard on ourselves! 

But here’s the mindset shift you must make in order to have a healthy, balanced lifestyle and feel confident in yourself:

Energy isn’t wasted, it’s stored.

This is a concept that comes from James Clear, who wrote Atomic Habits.

And he talks about how when you’re making changes, you might not see the results for day, weeks, or even several months.

But that energy and effort is not wasted.  Its stored.

Imagine this:

Imagine you’re in a freezing cold room.  The thermostat reads 23°F. It’s definitely below freezing.

You place an ice cube on the counter.  Your goal? Melt the ice cube.

You raise the temperature of the room 1°F.

The ice cube doesn’t melt.  You raise the temp another 1°F.

The ice cube is still not melting.  So, you raise the temp another 1°F.

After several minutes of raising the temperature of the room, one degree at a time, you reach 32°F.

The ice cube is still not melting!   So, you raise the temp again by 1°F.

And then, BOOM! The ice cube begins to melt!

So often, we set a goal for ourselves (to lose weight, to exercise 3X/week, to read every day, to journal every morning), and then give up. Way. Too. Soon.

We all start our goals at 23°F.

We put in a few days or weeks or months of work, and then give up when we don’t see grand results or big improvements (or give up when we don’t see small results and small improvements, for that matter).

We make it to 32°F and stop.

“It’s not working!  I can’t lose weight! This is too hard! I don’t have time, I’m too tired, I’m not seeing results…”

But for those that keep putting in the work, day in, day out, drip by drip, one small step in front of the other, without SEEING results, you eventually make it to 33°F.

And the ice cube begins to melt.

You see the results.  You feel the results.  Others see it too. 

You put in the hard, unglamourous work, 1° at a time, day after day.  You didn’t see the results, but you kept going anyway, because you know that the greatest results are delayed.

Weight loss that LASTS and adopting a healthy lifestyle take time.  A lot of time. 

There are no quick fixes when you want to see LASTING results. 

Everything worthwhile takes time. 

And everything worthwhile also means there will be bumps, roadblocks, obstacles, hiccups, disappointments, and struggles along the way.

But the time will pass anyway.  And the roadblocks are actually learning opportunities to help you grow and make you stronger.

And your efforts aren’t wasted, they’re stored.  They’re compounding. 

If you want to:

  • Learn and master the tools for creating healthy habits and healthy routines so that you see lasting results

  • Systematically move the temperature of the room 1° at a time

  • Create momentum around healthy eating, drip by drip

  • Create the thriving lifestyle you want

  • Have more energy

  • Feel amazing in your body

Then I’d love to help guide you on your journey.

My signature online course, Healthy Eating Made Simple, teaches you how to build healthy habits that can last a lifetime. 

From super-efficient plant-based meal prepping, step-by-step plans, done-for-you guides so you don’t have to think about what to eat to feel great, to proven habit formation strategies to help you build healthy daily habits that compound over time, it’s ALL in there to help you build the full, vibrant life you deserve to live.

Use THIS LINK if you want to learn more about Healthy Eating Made Simple!

There’s so MUCH more that’s included in the course, plus BONUS material you don’t want to miss, so go take a quick peak inside :)

And if you have any questions, email me!

I’m honored to walk alongside your health journey with you.

To journeying together, step by step,


What's the Best Diet for Your Goals?

What's the Best Diet for Your Goals?

| VIDEO | How to Stop Binge Eating! (And Other Ways to Avoid Weight Gain)

| VIDEO | How to Stop Binge Eating! (And Other Ways to Avoid Weight Gain)