Healthy Chelsea

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5 Time-Saving Tricks to Make Your Life Easier (& Healthier) + FREE BONUS GUIDE

One of the biggest, most common struggles with eating healthy is time.

Finding the time to plan, prep, cook, and eat the way you’d like can be challenging.

After all, you’re busy.

You work long hours.

You’re juggling a lot of responsibilities.

Throw in a newborn or a crazy toddler (or two!) in the mix, and it’s no wonder you feel short on time and energy.

But you CAN eat in a way that gives you energy and makes you feel great, without you needing to sacrifice any more of your time.

Here are my top 5 time-saving tricks to help make your life easier, simpler, more balanced, and healthier:

1. Bundle

Bundling, specifically temptation bundling, is a concept from Atomic Habits (a must-read if you’ve ever wanted to make a change or reach a goal).

Temptation bundling is where you group together something hard with something you enjoy.

For example, I listen to my favorite podcasts when I’m whipping something up in the kitchen.

I get awesome business strategies, health tips, motivation, and lifestyle inspiration in the short time I spend making dinner.

Favorite podcast? Check.

Healthy, yummy dinner? Check.

It’s a win-win.

How can you “temptation bundle?”

2. Automate

Grocery shopping can take a lot of time.

Driving, parking, shopping, paying, schlepping… it all adds up.

One of the easiest ways to get that time back is to automate the grocery shopping experience.

Use Amazon Prime, Instacart, or Peapod for grocery delivery straight to your home.

And now, many stores will do your shopping for you and all you have to do is pick it up.

Boom, grocery shopping DONE!

3. Freeze

We can all eat more fruit and veggies.

But if you don’t have time for all that washing, cutting, prepping, storing, there’s an easy solution.

Buy frozen veggies and frozen fruit.

They’re frozen at peak freshness, so they have just as many nutrients as fresh veggies and fruit.

They’re chopped, washed, and ready to go.

It’s like having a built-in sous chef…in your freezer.

4. Simplify

Balanced, nourishing meals and snacks don’t need to take a lot of time to make.

You might be tempted to overcomplicate mealtime.

But mealtime doesn’t have to take a lot of time, pots, pans, and ingredients.

As Marie Forleo says, “simplify to amplify!”

Look for recipes that have a few ingredients and can be made in short period of time.

Soups, curries, stir fries, fajitas, pastas…there’s simple, quick and easy recipes for all of them.

Find 5 that you love- ones that are delicious and give you energy and make you feel great- and keep them on rotation.

5. Stock

Stock up on the pantry, fridge, and freezer ingredients that you need to make those simple, quick, and easy meals.

If they’re on hand, then you’re always prepared to make something wholesome that you enjoy.

And as a BONUS, I created The Busy Person’s Ultimate Guide to Quick and Easy Meals & Snacks!

It’s a FREE guide, where I show you how to create 21 nutritious and balanced meals and snacks using only 10 pantry staples!

Download your free guide now>>