All tagged Travel

VIDEO! My Morning Routine When I Travel + The One Simple Habit That Sets Me Up For Success

Do you wish you had a solid morning routine?

What if you could feel set up for success for the WHOLE day with one simple habit?

In this video, I share with you my morning routine when I travel & the one thing I have do to every morning to feel like I'm winning the day!

Win the day with this FREE cheatsheet, which includes simple, quick, and easy breakfasts:

Simply Morning Routine Travel Edition:…/simple-morning-routine-travel-edit…

My Morning Routine- How and Why I Became a Morning Person:

Should You Eat Breakfast:

How to Choose a Healthier Breakfast Cereal + My Top 3 Recommendations:

A Simple Morning Routine-Travel Edition

The power of morning routines is undeniable.

When you win the morning, you win the day.

And as creatures of habit, we thrive off routines.

But travel throws a wrench into our routines, since vacation, by definition, is an experience outside of our daily habits.

My morning routine is so engrained in my daily practice that I often feel antsy and a little “off” when I don’t do it.

And part of my routine is a healthy breakfast.

But again, travel often throws a wrench in our healthy eating habits.

Do you feel the same way?

To beat this wrench-throwing travel fiasco, I found a solution to help me feel my best on vacation.

And I had to share it with you, because the solution is incredibly simple:

Eat the same healthy breakfast every day.

So simple, yet so effective.

Last week, I traveled to Virginia to visit family.

And on the first day there, my Mom and I went on a wild goose chase through town to find the precise breakfast items I wanted.

Apparently, Ezekiel cereal is hard to find, because we went to 5 grocery stores before finding it…

But once I found it, I had it every morning with warm unsweetened almond milk, cinnamon, and creamy almond butter.

Simple breakfast.  Simple routine.

And the power of this simple morning routine on vacation was undeniable.

I didn’t feel antsy or “off.”

I didn’t overindulge the rest of the day, because I started my day strong.

I ate ice cream almost every night with my family, and looked forward to it each day, knowing I hadn’t eaten unhealthy from the very beginning of each day.

I felt great.

I didn’t spend time guessing and wondering what I would have for breakfast the next day.

And I looked forward to my breakfast each morning.

Your Action Step: 

When you’re traveling, establish a morning routine by eating the same healthy breakfast each day.

Perhaps you go to the same café and order the same thing each morning.

Or perhaps you do a quick shop for cereal and almond butter that you can have in the hotel.

No more time wasted, wondering “what should I have for breakfast?” or “where should we go out to eat today?”




Winning the day.

What will your travel edition morning routine be?

The Surprising Truth About Travel Dehydration + Your 5-Step Plan to Fix It!

Have you ever wondered why you feel so hungry after a flight?

Or that you have a headache and feel weirdly foggy as you walk off the plane?

By the end of a flight, the cabin can be significantly drier than the Sahara Desert!

Yes, that’s exactly why your skin feels so dry, your eyes and throat are scratchy, and you feel like you’ve just woken up from a 20-hour nap- hello, grogginess!

In a nutshell, dehydration wreaks havoc on our bodies.

We feel:

·        Hungry

·        Tired

·        Foggy

·        Groggy

And have:

·        Dry skin

·        Irritated eyes, nose, and throat

·        Nausea

·        Headaches

The main reason for feeling like this?

The air we breathe on the plane as we fly through the sky is 50% outside air.

Which has almost no moisture…

So, as we fly, the relative humidity drops from about 50% to 10%.

Dehydration then compounds:

·        That low humidity in the plane draws water out of our bodies

·        Drinking coffee, tea, and alcohol on flights leads to even more dehydration

·        Not to mention, we’re given a measly cup of water every 3 hours on a typical flight

·        Salty foods (“pretzels or peanuts?”) can further dehydrate us

And if you’re traveling to a place with high altitude, you’ll have to fight altitude sickness and further dehydration with more water.

Will all of that said, there’s still good news :)

You can actively fight off dehydration using these 5 simple steps:

1.      Fill up on water before getting on plane

2.      Drink one cup of water per hour on the plane

3.      Drink an extra cup of water for every serving of alcohol

4.      Bring hydrating snacks (apples + mini cucumbers travel well)

5.      Bring a greens powder to add to your water (you’ll benefit from extra nutrients, too)

Craving more travel tips?

Check out this article>> The One Thing I Ask Myself to Eat Healthier | Travel Edition

The One Thing I Ask Myself To Help Me Eat Healthier | Travel Edition |

Here’s one thing you might not know about me:

I hate large crowds.  I become claustrophobic and a little hot and anxious. 

So, connecting in LaGuardia on Monday was a little crazy. 

I walked quickly away from the crowded gates and to the Food Court. 

When I travel, I tend to eat consistently, even when I’m not hungry.

It seems like the best way to pass the time…

As you know, there aren’t many healthy choices in an airport food court. 

I made two laps through the LGA Food Court, searching for something that would satisfy. 

I stared at the burger joint’s menu and saw an egg and American cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll.

And then asked myself one thing:

How is this going to make me feel?

Well, not very good, I guessed. 

This one thought changed everything. 

I made another turn and found that the coffee station behind me actually offered smoothies!

And healthy smoothies! Not the ones masquerading as healthy but are sugar bombs waiting to give you a stomach ache.

I chose a green smoothie with banana, kale, spinach, pineapple, mango, and coconut oil.

Someone remarked, “Oh, how very healthy!”

It was.  And it was also delicious 😊

I paired the green smoothie with homemade energy balls, which are sweet and satisfying and taste like cake! 

Here’s your action step: The next time your faced with a few food choices, ask yourself “How is thing going to make me feel?”

It jolts you out of an emotional decision (melty American cheese sounds really good right now….) and into a decision that you might feel better about.

Here’s the other thing about asking yourself this question:

You might decide, “well, not very good” but still decide to get the egg and cheese sandwich.

That’s ok too!  Because you took a second to think about it.  And you owned your decision.

Now that’s what I call healthy.

Need a few ideas for delicious and healthy homemade snacks for your next trip?

>>Recipe for Lemon Blueberry Muffin Energy Balls

>>Recipe for Mexican Hot Chocolate Superfood Raw Brownies

>>Recipe for Lemon Amaretto Cookies