All tagged Meal Prep

Easy Meal Prep (and How to be More Consistent in Making Healthy Choices)

But have you ever done a Google search for “easy meal prep”?

Holy moly, the results are endless and overwhelming, and I get MAJOR decision paralysis.

You know, when there’s way too many options and you don’t know where to start or what to you don’t?

And when you’re spending your precious time looking up healthy recipes and easy meal prep…

• How do you know what’s good?

• What’s delicious and nourishing?

• What’s healthy?

• What’s balanced?

• What’s going to give you energy?

• What will help you feel great?

• What’s actually going to be easy and not a time-consuming hassle?

Healthy eating and meal prep can be quick and easy.

But not if you have to spend your time:

• Searching for recipes on your own

• Planning your week of meals

• Shopping for all of the ingredients

• Trying to make recipes that require you to spend 3-4 hours prepping for a full week of meals

• Trying to figure out on your own how to make “easy meal prep” and healthy eating easy, week in and week out

Do You Meet this 5-Point Checklist?

You know those posts you typically see at this point in a promotion that start with “X Program is perfect for you if…”

Well, I’m going to try something a little different 

If you’re still on the fence if Healthy Eating Made Simple is right for you, then I want to make sure that at the end of this email, you’re able to CONFIDENTLY make your decision.

(Just so you know, Healthy Eating Made Simple closes TONIGHT! So it’s time to make your final decision).

To help you decide if you’re diving all in, I created a 5-Point Checklist that will show you if you’re ready to enroll in Healthy Eating Made Simple and get the full meal prepping and habit formation experience.

Here we go:

I’m answering all your FAQ’s about Healthy Eating Made Simple

You’re definitely considering joining Healthy Eating Made Simple because you’re ready to see and feel the results of eating healthy consistently, healthy routines, and healthy habits.

But you have a few questions…

I LOVE your questions! Great questions lead to great answers

So, today I’m tackling your FAQ’s about Healthy Eating Made Simple.

And if you have a question that I don’t answer below, please reply to this email! I’d love to help.

There's a lot to cover (as there should be!), so are you ready?!

VIDEO | Your 7-Day Clean-Eating Meal Plan! Published in EatingWell Magazine!

And on the most candy-filled day of the year, I thought it was the perfect time to share with you my recent article published in EatingWell Magazine!

I created a 7-Day Clean-Eating Meal Plan for Fall to give you seven full days of clean-eating recipes!

You’ll learn:

  • What “clean-eating” means

  • What are “clean” foods to eat more of

  • What fall foods to eat more of

  • What foods to limit

  • Exactly what to eat

  • How much to eat

  • And when to eat throughout each day to lose weight and feel great

It starts off as a 1,200 calorie plan (which is very low calorie, so be careful here depending on your height and weight so you don’t slow your metabolism…) but I give TONS of ideas on how to make each day work for 1,500 calories and 2,000 calories.

You can find your 7-Day Clean-Eating Meal Plan for Fall by clicking HERE>>

Then, watch this video where I do a deep dive into the plan and what to shop for and eat more of:

A Quick & Simple Way to Eat Healthier More Consistently

Here’s something you LOVE to admit:

You actually like eating healthy! 

You enjoy how making healthy choices makes you feel.

Yes, you feel great physically.

But you also feel great mentally, because you’re proud of making a healthy decision. 

You show up as your best self when you start your day strong.

And when you feel your best, it has a ripple effect for the rest of the day.

You’re more open, more creative, more energetic, happier, more productive.

But something you DON’T like to admit:

You don’t eat healthy consistently

You hate to admit it, but your efforts to eat healthier and feel your best are sporadic.

The problem isn’t knowledge of what’s healthy.

You have a good understanding of what’s good for you and what’s not.

The real problem that keeps you from eating healthy consistently:


You feel like there’s just not enough time in the day to plan, prep, and make it happen day in and day out.

But feeling your best and showing up as your best each day REQUIRES you to be consistent.

That’s where the rubber meets the road- consistency. 

Easier said than done, you might be thinking.

But I’ve got a super simple strategy to help you 😊

One of the best ways to be consistent:

Stocking your kitchen with healthy food.

Yes, it really is that simple.

When your kitchen is stocked with healthy food, you’ll eat healthy.

But I’m not suggesting you stock your kitchen with dozens and dozens of items that will overwhelm you and leave you thinking that grabbing takeout is so much easier (which would leave you feeling bloated and disappointed).

What you need are the must-have essentials that make healthy decisions effortless (or nearly effortless).

What you need are the healthful fundamentals that you can use to make meals and snacks in 15 minutes or less.

A stocked kitchen should contain items that make consistent healthy eating a no-brainer.

So, what are the 10 kitchen staples I always have at my fingertips?

The ones that nudge me to eat healthy consistently?

I created a free eBook for you to not only show you what I always have on hand, but to show you exactly what you can make using those 10 essentials!

Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks- it’s all in there 😊

I know from experience that having these staples on hand, and having a cache of super quick and simple recipes in my back pocket, helps me be consistent.

I hope you find that these kitchen staples and fast and healthy meal ideas help you be consistent too. 

10 Must-Have Tools to Save You Time, Energy, and Effort!

We always want to take the path of least resistance- and it makes sense!

The easier something is, the better. And that's true when it comes to habits, too. The easier, the better.

That's why our "bad" habits often stick around- they're the easier alternative to the healthy habits.

Well, I'm here to say that building healthy habits should be easier. The easier they are, the more likely we are to stick with them.

Today, I'm sharing the tools you need in the kitchen to save you time, energy, and effort, so that meal prepping becomes that much easier (and something you want to keep doing!).

These are your 10 must-have kitchen tools that will make prepping, cooking, and cleanup so much easier and will help you build healthy habits:

Should You Eat Breakfast? Or Should You Be Skipping It?

You’ve probably heard that breakfast is an absolute must-have for young children and adolescents. 

But do adults need breakfast? 

And if they do, why?

Let’s take a look at what the research says:

Why you’re likely skipping breakfast:

Only about 30% of people eat breakfast!

Eating breakfast is a challenge for many people.

Do you resonate with any of the following reasons for skipping?

·        You don’t have enough time to eat breakfast.

·        You’re too busy to make breakfast. 

·        You’re trying to lose weight, so you don’t want the extra calories of breakfast. 

·        You think eating breakfast will make you hungrier throughout the day. 

·        You’re not hungry. 

·        You’d rather sleep those extra minutes

·        And then breakfast is controversial…

·        Should you be putting grass-fed butter in your coffee?? Well, that’s a whole ‘nother blog post…

If you’ve ever skipped breakfast or are in the habit of not eating breakfast, you’ll definitely want to keep reading. 

Once you see the benefits, you may just be motivated to become a breakfast eater 😊

Why you should NOT skip breakfast:

You ready for this? Here’s we go!