All tagged Health

VIDEO | Who Else Wants a Fresh Start?! September is the Other New Year's + 3-Day Action Plan

September always feels like a fresh start to me- the crisp air, back to school season, a new beginning.

You could say that September is like the other New Year’s!

Which, if you’re anything like me, makes me want to set new goals, new routines, and really hone in on healthy eating and activity.

But there’s a catch:

We often set out to accomplish way too much, with too many goals and changes all at once…

Which wears off after a week or two and we fall back into old routines.

So, here’s my game plan and I’d love for you to join me:

I’m setting a goal for the next three days.

Yes, only three days.

And here’s why:

• The first day is easy, because motivation is high.
• The second day is easy, because there’s only two days left to accomplish the goal.
• And the third day is easy, because it’s the finish line.

Three days for a goal is long enough to feel like you’ve accomplished something great, but short enough that you feel motivated and inspired to take action all three days.

Today, I'm sharing with you my 3-day goal, and two BONUS ways to ensure success with accomplishing the goal you set for yourself!

And if your goal is to eat a little healthier by cooking in (always the best and simplest way to eat healthier), then I’ve got you covered!

Download your FREE eBook to learn how to stock your pantry, fridge, and freezer with 10 staples, and how to combine them to make 21 meals and snacks in 15 minutes or less>>

How Do You Take Your Coffee?

My morning starts at 5 AM each day, and the first thing I do before my mind even starts to work is make a pot of coffee.

It’s muscle memory to me after years of making coffee every single morning.

My iPhone alarm rings every morning at 5 AM.  I roll out of bed, walk downstairs, turn on my fireplace (yes, I love how a gas fireplace starts with the flip of a switch), grind fresh coffee beans, and make a pot of coffee for Matthew and me.

We drink it black in our favorite speckled coffee house mugs that we collect on our travels.

I find I drink it less for the energy jolt, and more because I love the coziness of my hot bitter drink every morning.

I frequently get asked is healthy coffee, which is a great question!

But I think an even better question may be, how do you take it?

Let me walk you through everything you should consider when reaching for your cuppa joe:

Should You Eat Breakfast? Or Should You Be Skipping It?

You’ve probably heard that breakfast is an absolute must-have for young children and adolescents. 

But do adults need breakfast? 

And if they do, why?

Let’s take a look at what the research says:

Why you’re likely skipping breakfast:

Only about 30% of people eat breakfast!

Eating breakfast is a challenge for many people.

Do you resonate with any of the following reasons for skipping?

·        You don’t have enough time to eat breakfast.

·        You’re too busy to make breakfast. 

·        You’re trying to lose weight, so you don’t want the extra calories of breakfast. 

·        You think eating breakfast will make you hungrier throughout the day. 

·        You’re not hungry. 

·        You’d rather sleep those extra minutes

·        And then breakfast is controversial…

·        Should you be putting grass-fed butter in your coffee?? Well, that’s a whole ‘nother blog post…

If you’ve ever skipped breakfast or are in the habit of not eating breakfast, you’ll definitely want to keep reading. 

Once you see the benefits, you may just be motivated to become a breakfast eater 😊

Why you should NOT skip breakfast:

You ready for this? Here’s we go!